Once you tap on Date and Time, you will be able to find out whether your phone is set to Automatic Date and Time.Go to the Settings menu of your Device.To correct the date and time of your device, follow these steps: If the time is incorrect, it will not sync the servers with the device, which can cause a problem in downloading anything from the Play Store. When you try to download an app from the Play Store, the Google servers will try to check for the time on your device. Solution 2: Check your date and time settings If you encounter the problem too often and the restart gets annoying, you must try the other troubleshooting steps. However, there is a chance that restarting the device may be a temporary fix. With the help of a restart, you should be able to fix this issue without having to go into deep troubleshooting on your device. If you have downloaded apps before without any problems and this is the first time you have encountered an issue with your Android device when downloading apps from Google Play, then restarting the device can be helpful. How To Fix A Phone That Won't Download Apps Solution 1: Restart Your Device Whether you are Unable to Download Apps or Google Play is not working on your Android Phone, we have shared 14 ways to fix Google Play Store connection problems. If none of these icons are enabled, you must switch on the connection to ensure that your Device has access to the internet. Pull down the notifications shade of your Device and check to ensure Wi-Fi or mobile data icons are on. See also - How to fix the Google Play Store "no connection" error Whether you are connected to the Internet through Wi-Fi or using mobile data, the most fundamental step to ensuring that you can download the apps is to have a proper internet connection.

You will not be able to download the app if the internet connection is not working correctly. The most important thing to remember when downloading anything from the Play Store is that you must have a stable internet connection. The solutions are below, so let's dive in. With apps being so crucial for a smartphone, imagine how your smartphone's life could come to a near standstill if you have an Android that won't download apps. These apps allow us to turn our phones into intelligent little machines that load us up on information regarding various things. See also - How to fix the "Unfortunately, Settings has stopped working" error. So do our phones have the superpower of controlling us? Our devices may not be as powerful as they seem without all the apps. Our reliance on these phones is to the extent that we begin palpitating when we realize that we forgot our phone somewhere. We love our smartphones because they are brilliant in handling our social lives, work, relationships, and calendars.